Nerdsworth Academy


Third Age: Total War: Forth Eorlingas! Part 1

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It began with the Great King Thengel, the Ancient and Cunning One.  He ruled Rohan with a kind, but firm fist until the end of his days.  Though his rule was long, Rohan did not prosper as much as it may have. No, alas, the Mark was besiege…

Preparing a fun Third Age: Total War Recap

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Hi all,
Just writing a quick update as it’s been far, far too long since I’ve done so. 
I’m currently working on a cool recap of my Third Age: Total War campaign.  I played as Rohan, and played the game on Very Hard / Very Hard (campaign and…

Third Age: Total War + IRL Stuff

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Hey all,
I know I said that I would write some more Starcraft 2 beta impressions.  And I will.  However, before I get down and dirtier with the beta that is consuming my life, I just thought that I would write a little bit about an awesome m…